The story centers on the maleficence of overt and covert political interference, a plague that ravages the Indian educational institutions systematically. One such college ruffian with noxious political patronage enjoyed considerable clout in subjects concerning the functioning of the students union and day-to-day administrative dispensation. The de-facto political protégée exercised his influence to secure the college admission of a girl named Sangeeta at the middle of an ongoing academic session – an almost impossible feat to achieve, irrespective of merit; such was the extent of the systematic rot. The girl was academically bright and displayed feminine charm – a potent combination to induce desire among members of the opposite sex. Overconfidence and inflated ego prompted this college lout to pop the question to this girl, almost as a return favor for the service rendered in matters related to securing college admission. But much to his dismay, he was rebuffed in a much sarcastic and contemptuous manner.
Time flew, and the two met again twenty years later under a very different circumstance, as the past caught up with the present in a whirlpool of human emotion.
Tune in to this scathing narrative from the master storyteller and a literary legend of Bengal – Bani Basu in this "My StoryGenie" Bengali audiobooks presentation.